Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
22 January 2025 (wednesday)

Children and Youth Self-Government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County

History, Aims:

It was established in 2007 with that purpose, to provide assistance for those students’ self-governments which are operating in the county, also for the adult helpers who are dealing with them.

Our purpose is to represent the county’s youth interests in more forums in collaboration with the local youth organizations, contribute in the formulating of the youth politics. Keep in touch with international, national, regional, and local organizations, with the help of the internal conciliation of interests’ mechanism the county youth’s interests definition and representation. Organizing cultural-, spare time-, and sport events, support and implementation. Provide space for the talented youth who is active in cultural and public life’s fields. Preservation and creation of traditions, in addition to nurturing traditions, establishing contacts and keeping in touch with partner organizations operating in similar fields. Continuing enlightening and preventing propaganda about the areas affecting young people: culture, spending spare time, sport, holiday programs, occasional working, heath keeping. That is important role, to the GYIÖK is operating as an informational base, because its notices the schools about the actual programs, events in the student government, also it provides professional help continuously for them. Around clusters of activities:

- Professional assistance to the student governments operating in the county and the teachers who dealing with them, for example: thematic trainings held in school, assistance in school programs
- Generating collaborations between student governments
- Youth courses, arranging meetings, make own programs
- Opportunities for youngsters on international level

It’s Established on 17. May 2007, the organization already has been extremely active in these two years, because after the formation and recruitment it started to organize the County Student Parliament, which proved it have been an extremely useful training in the life of schools. The organization’s outstanding program was in 2008 the 5. National Student week. The anniversary event was moved approximately 100 youth nationally.

In addition to the professional events, the county student government put a great emphasis on the caritative activities, promotion of the volunteer activities, also its members are participating in these kinds of events. From these emphasizes the since several years started Run in the Light Family and Sports Day, which is one of the GYIÖK’s important emphasized event.

In the annual program there are trainings, dispute club, volunteer activities, County Sports Days, County Student Parliament, Run in the Light Sports and Family Day.

In the 2020-2021 school year, the then management did not stop due to the outbreak of COVID19 virus, and they have implemented several online events, quiz nights, online games. They wanted to, if they could provide some relaxation for the youth living in the county, with this they could move their attention with a little from the situation surrounding them.

The current management of SZSZBGYIÖK:
Márta Petra
Ihnat Róbert
Gombás Bálint Ferenc
Kertész Melinda
Benicsák Nóra
Borsy Brigitta


Organizing General Meetings continuously for the delegates of the student governments
County Student Parliament
County Sports Days
Run in the light Sports and Family Day
MEDVE – County Student Leaders Forum
Organizing Escape Rooms
Found raisings
Piknik in the SZSZB room
Challenge Day
7vége with staff members
County's Student Ball


Márta Petra - SZSZBGYIÖK's president
Telefon: +36 70 617 4926

Kocsis Petronella Alíz - Network program leader, JNSZDÖK and KVDÖK coordinator
Telefon: +36 30 546 79 41

Berecz Gábor - coworker
Telefon: +36 30 718 8643

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