Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
22 January 2025 (wednesday)

Alliance of Student Self-Governments’ of Hajdú-Bihar County

History, Aims:

The Alliance of Student Self-Governments’ of Hajdú-Bihar County, shortly HABIDISZ was founded in 2003 in Berettyóújfalu during the traditionally organised Eötvös Days, as an informal group. The county Student Government set it as goal to make more colourful the youth program palette with a summer festival, support the County’s secondary school student governments (for example with: trainings, and sponsoring), launch cross-border collaborations, join to the international youth life.

The countywide Summer Youth Festival (NYIF) was already implemented in 2003 in the year when the alliance was founded, with the involvement of six cities. Berettyóújfalu, Balmazújváros, Hajdúszoboszló, Hajdúböszörmény, Hajdúhadház, Debrecen are waited with a lot of love the first NYIF’s interested people. The local programs and program types were found out and shaped by the schools’ students’ self-government or self-governments of the city. This is how the Sports Day of Berettyóújfalu or the Bath Day of Hajdúszoboszló came to life. Of course, the thematic days could be formed in each year and could be changed inside given boarder lines. The Summer Youth Festival became more colourful and it was enlarged each year. The purpose was that each settlement in the county that has a secondary school should be involved and should have a program during the festival, and in each year the organisation got closer to this goal. It is also an important aim for the for the county student government, during the co-operation with the local student governments, the ideas and needs of the schools should come into force to the maximum.

The training program is related to this, which we offer to schools, in the framework of this our professionally prepared helpers holding free for example fundraising, teambuilding, project planning training too.

It is important to mention our cross-border relationships. We have the best relationship in Romania, in Transylvania, in Nagyvárad. With the Council of the Associations of Hungarian Secondary Schools (shortly: MAKET) and with their countrywide advocacy organisation the MAKOSZ we have relationship since 2004 a constant cooperation. Many programs have been implemented ever since on both sides of the border. These programs were the Hajdú-Bihar-Bihor (HBBH), also the Bihar mirror program student meetings. The Summer Youth Festivals the young people of Transylvania took an integral part.

The HABIDISZ has already represented young people in different international summer conferences and platform camps organised by the EFYSO (European Federation of Youth Service Organisation). 11 students represented Hungary and Hajdú-Bihar County in Poland in 2005, 6 people were there in Vienna 2006, and in 2007 we organised the summer youth conference in Debrecen. Our youngsters have been in several platform camps from Strasburg to Luxemburg, from Poland to Finland, from Hortobágy to Hajdúnánás. We have participated in arts camp, Sports camp, Human rights conference, Environmental protection camp.

In 2011 more youth from the organization’s members were participated in Poland and in Czech Republic in a youth exchange, also we joined to an international cooperation too. In 2012 in the framework of the media project our youth were in Poland, also in the summer in Seria and Romania they participated in international programs. In 2013 it celebrated its existence’s 10 th birthday.

The range of programs is quite large, because from the County Christmas Sports days to the general meetings, from the dispute club to the volunteer activities, from the County Student Forum to the Summer Youth Festival the county student government organizes a lot of things.

In the 2020-2021 school year due to the coronavirus situation that has developed the county student government youth could try out themselves in the organizing of online programs, because during this period they considered more important that, to provide opportunity for the youth for the fun, learning, and for the gathering of common experiences.

The HABIDISZ would like to keep up the good relationship with the schools’ students’ self-governments as they are essential part of its’ work, and this organisation is truly for the young people it can only operate with them and by them. Also, its purpose is, the colorizing of the student life, the interests’ validating of the Hajdú-Bihar County students.

The current management of HABIDISZ:
- Török Krisztián
- Rácz Petra
- Oláh Réka
- Csiger Anita Gabriella
- Kocsis Róbert
- Prodán-Kovács Léna


County student assemblies more times in a school year
County Christmas Sport Days
County Student Forum
Summer Youth Festival
Roundtable Conversations
Debate Clubs
Organizing fundraisings
Hold trainings for local youth
METFO – County Study Forum
SFDE – School Forum for Student Government Presidents


Török Krisztián - youth leadder - HABDISZ president
Telefon: +36 30 838 7640

Venkli Virág - coworker
Telefon: +36 30 718 8645

Kocsis Petronella Alíz - Network program leader, JNSZDÖK and KVDÖK coordinator
Telefon: +36 30 546 79 41

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