Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
5 February 2025 (wednesday)


Beneficiary: KÖZ-Pont Youth Association
Non-refundable beneficial support summary: 3 million HUF
Project period: 15.05.2020-14.05.2021
Project Identification Number: TOP-7.1.1-16-H-ESZA-2019-01068

Our tender’s activities strengthening both the local identity and the local economy development, contributes to the development of the social cooperation, identity and to shape perspectives.

Our Association in consideration of the age group 14-35 working out, launching the carrier orientation and becoming entrepreneur guidance, which will be available on every weekday between 10-18 in the Community FACE';s Youth Office and Community Space.

Within the framework of the project, we are developing a career guidance counselling educational material based on local needs and taking them into account. We are negotiating with Nyíregyháza’s educational institutions, with their maintainers, also with the municipality and local companies with that purpose to give more information about the world of the working. The up-to-date and exact information can help the stay of the youth in Nyíregyháza.

The developed career guidance education material is the basis of the group sessions which is organized through 8 months 3 times and we are waiting for educational institutions (secondary school, university’s) students. We are holding monthly “Entrepreneur teahouses” in which the invited local small and medium-sized enterprises report for the youth in framework of round-table discussions about being an entrepreneur. Also organizing monthly, the “HR Coffeeshop” where bigger companies, Multinational companies HR co-workers talking with youngsters about the career choice opportunities, professions, important competences in employment, information related to job searching. We provide the program elements as a low-threshold service free of charge, thus ensuring equal opportunities.

Events implemented within the project:
06.09.2021 – Entrepreneur teahouse
On the event was a discussion about what is the concept of the entrepreneurship what forms of enterprise are exist what characteristics of these have and what conditions with is possible to create different kind of enterprises. At the end the participants are spoke about the entrepreneur skills.

10.09.2021 – HR Coffeeshop
The event’s lecturer at this time was the Keletflott Ltd.’s co-worker Tímea Kövér who presented herself at the beginning of the program, she said that what she is dealing with and where she came from what are the exact tasks of a HR worker. Following this, there were words about the correct self-knowledge, also the learnt and didn’t learn competences. Out of this she had a discussion with the participants about the importance of the good CV writing and about the job interview etiquette.

17.-19.09.2021. – Career guidance group session
On the first day of the program the project was described and the thematises of the three days. Following this to dissolve the mood there were smaller tasks like name learners and acquainting games aiming to get to know each other a little better. In this day’s focus was mainly the self-knowledge because to somebody could choose the appropriate major then appropriate career has to know themselves first, their strengths and changeable things. Because of this the participants could get know more about themselves with the help of different kind of self-knowledge tests. On the second day we dealt with the career orientation topic. We discussed it in interactive way the different kind of definitions for example the career choice, career consulting, competences, social competences, skills, career ways, workspaces. After this former student government youngsters of ours shared their experiences about the university life, about that major where they learn and what study conditions needed to get in, what kind of helper opportunities are there in the university for example the scholarship. On the last day we looked around the topic of the competences. The youngsters had to write around what are the most important competences which an employee need or which are indispensable during the university studies. After this they could get know different kind of developing practices, with they could improve those skills which are needs to be improved.

22.09.2021 – HR Coffeeshop
The lecturer this time was the co-worker of the Bonduelle Europe Ltd. hr worker Édua Eszik. The Bonduelle Ltd.’s activities, short story was introduced with a help of a presentation. Then through a situational task the participants had to sell a phone for example the job seeker him/herself to the HR worker in the real life. Out of this they spoke about the difference and meaning between the gross and the net earning and the participants could see more CV samples.

24.09.2021 – Entrepreneur teahouse
On this occasion the PR and marketing tools were introduced to the participants which needed for start of a company or to make it popular. Then the participants could argue at this or that way in the framework of a debate.

08.10.2021 - Entrepreneur teahouse
The event’s lecturer Gábor Berecz was a self-employee person, who shared with the participants his experiences with a starting of a enterprise for example what kind of expenses he has or what kind of tax forms are exists.

15.10.2021 – HR Coffeeshop
The lecturer was Édua Eszik from the Bonduelle Europe Ltd. On this occasion were words about different kind of works and jobs, then key steps in the field of job recruitment were discussed.

04.11.2021 – HR Coffeeshop
On this occasion primary school’s upper-class students participated. There were discussion among other things the self-knowledge, which is important in every parts of the life so in studies later in the world of the job too even that case if we just thinking about student job. This was implemented in a more interactive way with the help of some tests. Also, for the youngsters this was made clear what are those definitions like the HR, HR worker, recruiting, professions, career etc.

04.11.2021 - Entrepreneur teahouse
On the occasion, the participants were able to discuss the topic of motivation needed to start and maintain a business. It’s important to start a business with motivation and this motivation can keep up still.

12.-14.11.2021 Career guidance group session
On the first day of the group session the participants could walk around the topic of the self-knowledge. Its important for the successful career choice and to work later and at looking for a job to have the appropriate amount of self-knowledge. At the beginning of the session the project was introduced, that’s purpose. After a short acquainting and attunement, the participants measured their abilities in a task which required accuracy and precision. After this they could get know the SWOT analysis, they could write up and then they discussed these in small groups which properties they are the proudest of and which are those which they need some change. In addition to the self-knowledge, we dealt with the topic of the motivation. On the second day the main rule had the leader abilities’ development. After the attunement the participants could discuss in little groups, what they think who a good leader is and implementing to their student government how good leaders they are. With help of tests, they could get an answer to that, when they enter to the world of work are they more an employee or employer personality and measured to these which jobs are the best fit to them. On the third day the participants could get know more about the recruiting and the PR topics. They could get know different kind of recruiting methods, tools then through situational tasks they could practice these. At the end of the day the evaluated these three days.

06.12.2021 – Entrepreneur teahouse
It was generally shared with participants what forms of entrepreneurships are exists, how to create them, who they can turn for help, or how to choose a name or logo. The participants after this working in groups had to create a fictional enterprise define their purpose, the age group who is it for, also the own brand and logo had to plan.

09.12.2021 – HR Coffeeshop
The event was about job search and employment competencies. To this at first, we have to know ourselves so the participants could get closer to their strengths and weaknesses with the help of two tests. After this they could write down which competences they consider as the most important ones and to which job the companies which labor force they are looking for. They could then try it all out through situational exercises.

28 August 2021 Entrepreneur teahouse
During the program they could get know how to sell a company. On the roundtable conversation at first, they could put together what kind of elements are important in a company’s external communication what we have to listen when the company advertises itself. Following this for the previous occasion established entrepreneurships had to make a PR plan in which the groups had to define how they would to advertise the company.

17 August 2021 – HR Coffeeshop
On the HR Coffeeshop’s august topic the project was presented and it’s purposes. Following this in little groups at first the youngsters discussed and gathered what they know about the topic of the HR what definitions they know which are in connection with this, after this, they discussed it in the big group. Finally, it was about the competencies needed to look for a job and to successfully join and stay in the world of work.

23 July 2021 Entrepreneur teahouse
In the beginning of the July Entrepreneur teahouse activity the project and its purposes got introduced. The among the participating youngsters more of them had entrepreneur parents, so in a short conversation they youngsters could tell that what kind of company they are operating what they think about that if the person is their own boss what kind of difficulties, they have to face an entrepreneur in the everyday. After this different companies got introduced for example the kft, rt, civilian organization etc. what conditions with can these established and what are characterise these. Then on a longer practice they had to establish an own company and to this they had to create a website idea to it.

16-18 July 2021. Career orientation group session
The first day’s topic was the motivation, where the participants defined those factors which motivates them in the ordinary life for example in learning or further learning. After this through small group they discussed what outer and inner motivational factors exist they could get information about different kind of motivational theories and as the last step of the occasion they could tell their own purposes and the steps for its implementation. On the second day we spoke about the last day’s purposes then they could get know more about the topic of the career orientation all of these were big help for them because more of the purposes connected to the further learning. We measured the participants interests, skills and abilities in custom tasks to get know the professions which are for their interests, careers. Through interactive practices they could get know with main definitions, which they will meet with during the career orientation also that kind of profession groups which are very famous and sought. On the third day we discussed those competences which aren’t will be good only in job searching but in the locating can helpful in the future all of these not just in the adult life because these competences can be important in the student works too.

July 2021. Career guidance and entrepreneurship counselling occupation
On the activity the motivation was in the centre. We have discussed with the participants what kind of motivational factors which are important for them what is that what motivates them in the everyday learning or work what are those factors which can help them in the university further learning. We have drawn the attention of the youngsters why is so important the motivation and the successful planning in connection with the objective and implementation. During the activity they have filled out a 50 questions long test which in the questions were in connection with the career orientation, as well as as well as motivation for decisions.

19 th June 2021 – Entrepreneur teahouse
On this occasion of the Entrepreneur teahouse one of the co-workers of the Centre Youth Association held a presentation to the youth. At first the presenter held a dispute occasion to the students where the youngsters had to argue for becoming an entrepreneur and against it is little groups at first they collected their facts, then all together discussed those. After this he showed main criteria for becoming an entrepreneur through some practices. At the end of the occasion the youngsters had to establish an own company and present it then.

June 2021 - Career guidance and entrepreneurship counselling occupation
In the beginning of the occupation the participants created in place one- one CVs also there were who brought it to the event. We have overlooked these CV’s we have brought the attention to the possible mistakes and corrected them, we discussed, what is that information which you definitely have to write in and what are those which unnecessary in a CV then connected to the job searching we discussed several opportunities, platforms where the interested people can find jobs. We overlook different well known job searching websites different kind of employment agencies also we checked what opportunities are there in local, county or on country level considering the job fairs.

May 2021 - Career guidance and entrepreneurship counselling occupation
In the beginning of the activity the participants told what direction they would like to learn further or work later those who didn’t know it for sure they started the occupation with fill out a career guidance test, which’s help they could get closer to that job, profession based on their skills and abilities which can fit to them. During the occasion several internet pages for example the were help for us.

9-11. October 2020. – Career guidance group occupation
During the three days we have worked with the same people together. The first day’s subject mostly was the self-knowledge again, where they could get closer to themselves with different tests. During the day there were the opportunity for to give feedbacks to each other, which they can use later. On the second day they could get acquainted with the definitions of the world of work, which
are at first seemed easy, but it turned out to them, how complicated this world is. Following this they have spoken about work
related skills and they could get know with their own and other’s motivation, and about what is important in connection of the employment. On the third day, it was mainly about career choice. They could work out in small groups those kind of webpages on theoretical plane, which is walked around this subject and it would help career choice for the students. The developed works became very colourful and imaginative. Following this they could acquainted with different professions, which are not too popular and they could debate, about which profession is why advantageous or why not.

8. October 2020. – HR Coffeeshop
The HR coffeeshop we summarized at the event of October, we repeated the content of the past lectures for the new people, who came to the event, we gave our gathered knowledge. In the giving a quiz game helped us too, during that we divided the participants to teams. The teams were mixed up, so there was in every team a person, who participated in the last HR Coffeeshop. After the quiz we have talked about these topics, we shared the experiences with everybody.

October 2020. – Career orientation and becoming an entrepreneur guidance
As the activity’s first step the enterprise and the notion of entrepreneur has been introduced. After this the purposes of an enterprise, for example the profit earnings, expansion of market growth etc. were discussed. Then the participants on the consultations could get know the types of the enterprises, to as a start-up entrepreneur, which form they should choose. Also were presented those factors, with those an enterprise can be successful.

17. September 2020. – HR Coffeeshop
The HR Coffeeshop’s lecturer of September at this time was István Nagy (Sport psychologist, organizational development, and HR consulat, trainer) again on behalf of f the Nyírségi Tanácsadó Műhely. His lecture was about the CV writing and the importance of the motivational letter. He reported about the biggest failures, which people do while the writing of the CV and he told that, what a good motivational letter have to contain.

September 2020. - Career orientation and becoming an entrepreneur guidance
At first the types of the job interviews were presented, then what is the point of each ones, how many interviewers can be on one one occasions. Following this the mostly asked questions on an interview were discussed, they could hear a few tips in connection with the answers too, what is worth or not worth to answers. Also, they could get know that, what is that which they aren’t obliged to give an answer to. At the end of the conversation, they could try out themselves in live in the framework of a job interview situational practice.

27. August 2020. – Entrepreneur Teahouse
The event’s presenter rapporteur was Péter Tóth the Sushi Place restaurant’s owner. As an introduction he told how the idea has come to start an own business. He spoke about the difficulties at the start what kind of obstacles he bumped in at the beginning. He shared with the participants his own experiences and opinion why is good being an entrepreneur. Importance of the marketing tools and those right using ways. Also told how the plague has affected his restaurant.

12. August 2020. - HR Coffeeshop
The HR Coffeeshop’s rapporteur in August this time too was Violetta Tislér (Coach, Psychologist, HR professional, self-knowledge profile trainer) on behalf of the Nyírség Tanácsadó Műhely. On her Lecture the topic also was the recruitment and choosing. The definition of recruitment, preparation and implementation. Selection of the new co-workers which is presented in an interactive way and with an interesting video. At the end of the lecture the brave ones could try themselves in a small interview too.

August 2020. - Career orientation and becoming an entrepreneur guidance
The exact purpose of the CVs was first defined during the activity, then following this the types of this were presented, then the CV writing’s rules happened with the participants through examples. There were discussed what are that information, which are essentials in a CV, what kind of formal rules we have listen to, what we have to avoid. After these the participants could try out that, how they could use the heard things, as a task all of the conversations were closed with a CV writing.

23. July 2020. – Entrepreneur Teahouse
The Entrepreneur teahouse’s invited presenter was Zsuzsanna Farkas who is the owner of the travel agency World Expert Tours in Kisvárda. In the event’s first part the presenter told a short introduction for the participants and about her personal experiences and personal motivations why she became an self-employed entrepreneur. In the following part they have talked interactively about starting a company and ideas, about name choosing and the financial plan, also different types of companies and their advantages.

21. July 2020. – HR Coffeeshop
The speaker of the July occasion of HR Café was Tislér Violetta (Coach, Psychologist, HR professional, self-knowledge profile trainer) on behalf of the Nyírség Tanácsadó Műhely. She started her lecture with the introduction of her studies and professional way. After this she spoke about the HR’s world. The people who interested in could hear about like about basic definitions, responsibilities what a HR Specialist or Generalist do, what is mentoring and discussed with the participants what an does really an HR worker.

July 2020. - Career orientation and becoming an entrepreneur guidance
On the career orientation and becoming an entrepreneur guidance participating youth are filled out tests related to self-knowledge, then these were evaluated and discussed together. In the framework of the guidance at first, they could get know with the filling out of the Belbin test, how they can contribute to a team’s work. Then with help of a MBTI personality test they could get know the strengths of their personality type and its weaknesses from the 16 personality types.

19. June 2020. – HR Coffeeshop
At the start of the event the project was presented thorough. Continuously the participants discussed about the world of Human Resources. In small groups could debate the meaning of HR and what is the job of an HR associate.

June 2020. - Career orientation and becoming an entrepreneur guidance
On the career orientation and becoming an entrepreneur guidance participating youth are filled out tests related to self-knowledge, then these were evaluated and discussed together. In the framework of the guidance at first, they could get know with the filling out of the Belbin test, how they can contribute to a team’s work. Then with help of a MBTI personality test they could get know the strengths of their personality type and its weaknesses from the 16 personality types.

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