Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
11 March 2025 (tuesday)



Beneficiary: KÖZ-Pont Ifjúsági Egyesület (Centre Youth Association)
Non-refundable beneficial support summary: 25 million HUF
Project period: 01.07.2019-30.06.2022
Project identification number: EFOP-1.3.5-16-2016-00381
The Debrecen headquartered Centre Youth Association submitted a support application in September of 2016 in the framework of the construction of “Strengthening social involvement through community development” which application has been judged worthwhile for support by the Ministerium of Human Resources.

The aim of the project is to create new formalized or non-formalized small communities, reflecting local needs and opportunities, or to develop the capacities and activities and organizational power of existing small communities, to expand the repository of organized programs of social communities in the fields of social integration and cooperation. Other goal is to increase the willingness for volunteering also raise the general social esteem and make it more famous with implementing concrete volunteer events on local/regional level. The social responsibility’s strengthening happening, cooperation between different generations and improving connection, also amplify the families and social convergence, civilian societies intensify, with strengthening the social integration and solidarity.

Implemented events in the project:

30.01.2020 – Nyíregyháza
The program called Civil forum event organized on 30.01.2020. The aim of the event was to bring together the civil and youth sectors. The professional program was organized on topics that affect and influence the lives of young people, to encourage their social responsibility and to encourage them to encourage joint projects. On the event the invited civil organizations, educational institutions, the program’s guests’ introduced themselves in a ludicrous way. The strengthening human connection, the results, giving thanks for the partners also for the youth organizations and the civil organizations to the municipality for the cooperation and their support. On the event were there like: the Talentum Európai Fejlődésért Közhasznú Alapítvány, Magyar Vöröskereszt Szabolcs Szatmár-Bereg megyei Szervezete, Gyere csak Association, Periféria Egyesület, KÖZ-Pont Ifjúsági Egyesület, in addition several student government delegate like Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyei Gyermek és Ifjúsági Önkormányzat delegates, Nyíregyházi MJV Diákpolgármesteri Iroda delegates, and the county’s basic and intermediate level institutions’ student government delegates. Thanks to the professional discussion advocacy, social responsibility we're talking about.

21.01.2020. - Debrecen
The event was held on 21 January, 2020 in Debrecen. The Partner meeting and the invitation’s aim was twofold. At first, we wanted to draw the attention on the importance of the professional discussion, the civil methodological results. We thought that this meeting was a good occasion for to start the work and deepen in an environment conscious place, under worthy conditions in a good mood. Our other purpose was to present the results and successes giving our thanks to the partners, educational institutions, civil organizations, municipality for the cooperation and support. The event another aim was to the participants get know each other’s solutions in an unconstrained discussion. Furthermore, share their project with each other, event dates, even in joint programs, tenders, think together through learning about effective advocacy know-how management.

20.01.2020. – Szolnok
Our event is organized in Szolnok on 20 th January of 2020. The Partner meeting’s purpose was to demonstrate the KÖZ-Pont Ifjúsági Egyesület’s plans and projects of 2020 make new connections, strengthening existing relations getting know each other in sight of the community improvement for increase the social engagement. We have provided opportunity for civil, municipal and school partners for acquaint each other’s methodology fits to the project objects. All of these as part of an informal, good-humored event with hospitality. Our goal was to make new connections between our partners. Present the plans and projects in 2020 of the KÖZ-Pont Ifjúsági Egyesület. The County’s Student Government and our Association’s project objectives presentation happened whose connects to the School Community Service and to volunteering with participation of the civil sector’s delegates accompanied by professional discussions.

10.01.2020 – Sárrétudvari
The program held on Sárrétudvar on 10. January of 2020. On this day the Association’s fellow workers reported about their experiences and path of their development in the last time period. We are a work community whose deal with youngsters. This an excellent opportunity for us to develop our skills with participations on programs. The skills whose are connected to the project like competence, communication, cooperation, trust, empathy skill amelioration. In the thematic of the day got part the groupwork, we presented our own development, we have spoken about the up came obstacles and we defined further developable purposes. The connection point of the community development was summarized since the beginning of the project.

11-13.12.2020. – Debrecen
In Hajdú-Bihar County in the city of Debrecen were organized an event for the city’s primary and secondary school students in 3 sports the County’s Christmas Sport Days between 11-13.12.2020. Amateur teams, and school teams could try themselves categorized by genders in volleyball, football and basketball. These events strengthen the importance of community activity in the participants. On the three days long event 300 young people in a direct target group sported in total. Averagely almost 50 secondary schools’ more than 90 teams competed in the three sports. The more than 600 youngsters sporting opportunity in the past years provided by the gym hall of the Debreceni Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma és Diákotthona, a Svetits Katolikus Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Kollégium, a Szent Jószef Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Szakgimnázium, a Beregszászi Pál Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola, Diószegi Sámuel Baptista Szakgimnáziuma, Debreceni Medgyessy Ferenc Gimnázium és Művészeti Szakgimnázium. In the event’s organizer work got involved the local volunteers too, so our Association could get new theoretical and practical knowledge near the experienced volunteers. Our goal with the event was to “introduce” the sports culture and sports values ​​represented by our association in the spirit of community activity among the youth of Hajdú-Bihar county.

29.11.2019 – Debrecen
On 29 th of November in 2019 were organized the Volunteer Forum and IKSZ Exhibition, where the students could get know with the host institutions and with the tasks to be performed there. In this year we are seeking to give the most help and opportunity for the youngsters in the performing of the service. At our partner organizations almost 500 students in total preform right now School Student Service or volunteer activity. We would like to earn that to feel well while the performing and be richer with new experiences provided with the informing and the diversity of the events. Beyond this on the IKSZ Exhibition a professional workshop was organized where were discuss about the school community service’s framework about that’s administration and more other useful information.

28.11.2019 – Nyíregyháza
The Volunteer FORUM and IKSZ Exhibition were organized on 28.11.2019 in Nyíregyháza in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. On the event the host organizations of the volunteers were meet with each other. The purpose was to get to know more each other where the host organizations and volunteers mutually can get a vision about what kind of spaces they can work together. Important goal was that to the youngsters’ community activity increasement on the way of volunteering and calling for the importance of community activism. Define those spaces where the mostly needed our help, especially the olds help, also in the institutions like activities in the health care institutions. We are seeking to give the most help as we can to the youth in the passing of the service. With the tutorials and the density of the evens we would like to earn that to the youth feel themselves well and be richer with new experiences instead of live it as a “compulsory event”. Our goal was that the youngsters can get know more host institutions. In this year the students could get information about closely 20 institutions. The program’s days were more colourful with some organizations where there like: AFS Hungary, Déli-alközpont Polgárőr Egyesület, Erzsébet Ifjúsági Alap – Nyíregyházi Közösségi Tér, Europe Direct Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, Gamers for Gamers, Magyar Mediball Egyesület, Móricz Zsigmond Megyei és Városi Könyvtár, Mozgáskorlátozottak Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyei Egyesülete, Omnis Alapítvány, Periféria Egyesület, Rejtett Kincsek Down Egyesület, Spirit Közhasznú Egyesület, Talentum Alapítvány, Vakok és Gyengénlátók Szabolcs- Szatmár-Bereg megyei Egyesülete.

26.11.2019. - Szolnok
The School Community Service Exhibition in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county’s for some of the affected students were organized in Szolnok on 26 of November in 2019. Since the beginning of the School Community Service (IKSZ) the Centre Youth Association works as a host institution and coordinator organization on this space. We are seeking to give the possibly most help and opportunity for the youngsters in the successful performance of the service. Schools, students and volunteer host organizations met with each other. The purpose was to get know more each other, where the host organization and the volunteer mutually experience and could get information about how they can work together in the future. Goal was the youngsters’ community involvement into the volunteering, strengthen the community activity with this. On the IKSZ exhibition the following organizations welcome the students: Hungarian Red Cross Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County’s Organization, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Rendőr-főkapitányság Humánigazgatási Szolgálat, Sclerosis Multiplexes Betegek JNSZ Megyei Egyesülete, Szolnok Városi Óvodák, ÉN IS VAGYOK! Mozgássérült Generációk Érdekvédelmi Egyesülete, Verseghy Ferenc Könyvtár, JászNagykun-Szolnok Megyei Katasztrófavédelmi Igazgatóság, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Megyei Hetényi Géza Kórház- Rendelőintézet, Magyar Honvédség Katonai Igazgatási és Központi Nyilvántartó Parancsnokság, Toborzó és Érdekvédelmi Központ Szolnok, Curie Alapítvány, Kamasz-tanya Fogyatékosok Nappali Intézménye, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Kormányhivatal, Foglalkoztatási Főosztály, Mozgássérültek Egyesülete, CENTRE YOUTH ASSOCIATION.

20-22.11.2019. – Nyíregyháza
The three days long Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Sport days were organized in Nyíregyháza by courtesy of the Children and Youth Self-Government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County and the Centre Youth Association and other sponsors. In order of the increasement of the community activity the primary and secondary schools’ boy and girl basketball, volleyball and football teams of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county could sign up to the competition. Almost 300 youngster played sports with each other from different settlements of the county from like Mátészalka, Ibrány, Nagykálló, Záhony, Pócspetri, Nagyszekeres, Nyírbátor and of course Nyíregyháza. The event’s purpose is to the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county’s primary and secondary school students be able to play high quality matches with appropriate circumstances also, to make more popular the continuous exercise and the healthy lifestlye’s importance for them on the way of the introduction of the community cohesion. Communities of sports participation and strengthen their role. The MÜISZ School cooperative made more colourful the event with their exhibition who informed the students about the main information and opportunities in topic of the student works. The event was made more colourful by the Talentum too.

17-18.10.2019 – Karcag
The three-day long Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Sports Days were organized on October 17-18, 2019, organized by the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Student Government and the Karcag City Student Government. The County Sports Days goal is on the way of the strengthening the community’s roles the county’s primary and secondary school boy and girl volleyball, basketball, football teams could play high quality matches with appropriate circumstances. In the event series more than 50 teams have participated. The participation is available for Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county’s operating primary schools and secondary schools, student sport associations, student sport circles, and the operating sport associations, day-shift students, without age restriction, for amateur and certified players also enabled. It was a great opportunity to the teams get know more each other, also for promotion to them the continuous exercise the healthy lifestyle and the different sports. The active subtasks were carried out in a community interpretation by the participants, strengthening the effectiveness of belonging to a community and success achieved together. Community role strengthening. The event was made more colourful by the Hungarian Army also the Hungarian Red Cross Territorial organization of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The event was also coloured by the Exhibition of the MÜISZ School Cooperative, who informed the students about the student work opportunities and main information.

02.08.2019 – Panyola Határmenti Világzenei Fesztivál (Panyola Border World Music Festival)
Our activity took place successfully, the target aim group members were participated with the appropriate number on our event, none of an extraordinary thing affected the event. The heard tutorials contributed well to the holdable development of Panyola, and the description clearing of the volunteering and to the social responsibilities.

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