Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
13 March 2025 (thursday)

Welcome to the homepage of Centre Youth Association!

Today marks the beginning of the Culture Shock Training

Following the Open Café English conversation club, we are once again connecting the locals of Debrecen with international students, thanks to the support of the European Youth Foundation.

Today, we started our training program called Culture Shock. Over the next three days, we will be working with Hungarian and international participants to lay the foundation for a training program that helps understand and accept each other's cultures. In the first half of today, we got to know each other, and after lunch, we began working on the "Cultural Iceberg" exercise. We also discussed various stereotypes in small groups.

The program is made possible with the support of the European Youth Foundation.


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