Snail Prize
KÖZ-Pont Youth Association (in the first few years called: "Városi Diákönkormányzatért Egyesület"(Organization for Local Student Goverment) ) first logo has included a snail figure. This has symbolized our thinking about the association: we are growing slowly but surely. In an other way it is symbolizing: always good to come back here such as going home. When our Association has been established the Snail Prize the goal of our management wanted to give respect those people who helped us in our work. And we also wanted to show them that they are always welcome in here. In 2009 we changed the name of the Association from that time the shape of the Prize has become a snail.
Snail Prize of 2008 went to:
Volunteer of the year – Anikó Reindl
Parent of the year – Erzsébet Dr. Tündik
School partner of the year – Pál Beregszászi Secondary Technical School (Debrecen)
Partner of the year - Community Center of Debrecen
Media partner of the year – Radio FM95 (Debrecen)
Sponsor of the year – OTP Bank Group
Snail Prize of 2009 went to:
Volunteers of the year – Tímea Árva and Attila Gyulvári
Parent of the year – Jánosné Bálega
School partner of the year – Ferenc Medgyessy Grammar School and School of Arts (Debrecen)
DRK Dóczy Grammar School (Debrecen), Barna Sipkay Trading-, Catering-, Touristical High School, Vocational School and Boarding School
Student government supporting teachers of the year - Orsolya Polgárné Fekete Barna Sipkay Trading-, Catering-, Touristic High School, Vocational School and Boarding School ,Henrietta Szabóné Balla (István Bocskai Grammar School – Biharkeresztes)
Partner of the year - American Corner (Debrecen) Mustárház (Nyíregyháza)
Media partner of the year – Alföld TV (Debrecen), Retro Radio (Nyíregyháza)
Sponsor of the year – AVE Mineral Water Kft (Debrecen)
Special Snail Award – Foundation for Democratic Youth
Snail Prizes of 2010 went to:
Volunteer of the year – Anikó Szabó, Gergő Barna, Miklós Pálmai
Parents of the year – Márta Gyulaváriné Szabó, Attila Gyulavári
School partner of the year – Mihály Fazekas Grammar School (Debrecen), János Arany Grammar School (Nyíregyháza)
Student government supporting teacher of the year – Anita Aranyiné (Tiszavasvári), Béla Ablonczy (DRK Dóczy Grammar School), Zoltánné Molnár (János Arany Grammar School; Berettyóújfalu)
Partner of the year - council of Pap town, Hungarian Association for Migrants
Media Partner of the year – Graf Tech BT., Peter Kovács
Sponsor of the Year – Karát Kft.
Special Snail Award – László Török, Katalin Lászlóné Szilágyi, Lili Béres
Snail Prize of 2011 went to:
Volunteer of the year – Gergő Aranyos, László Siladi, Balázs Pálmai, Réka Kovács
Parents of the year – Katalin Aranyos Imréné Boros, Imre Aranyos, Jolán Kovácsné Csorba, József Kovács
Student government supporting teachers of the year – Antónia Szakálos (József Eötvös Primary School and Grammar School - Nyíregyháza); Tamásné Tarnóczi (Pál Beregszászi Vocational School Debrecen)
School partner of the year – Ridens Vocational School, Special Vocational School and Bording School – Nyíregyháza; József Nagysándor Primary School - Debrecen
Partner of the year - City Museum of Újfehértó; Mobilitás, Redcross, Council of Hajdú-Bihar County
Media partner of the year – Debreceni Est Média
Sponsor of the year – Tesco Debrecen, Nyírplaza, Melinda Papné
Special Snail Award– Zoltán Hámori, Gyuláné Kádár
Snail Prize of 2012 went to:
Volunteers of the year – Kinga Kovács, Klára Stekler, Brúnó Veréb, Kristóf Kéki, Nicole Erdős
Parents of the year – Kővári family, Erika Verébné Barcsai, Sándor Veréb
Student government supporting teachers of the year - Tímea Sebestény, Gabriella Kemele
School Partners of the year – József Eötvös Primary School and Grammar School (Nyíregyháza) Miklós Wesselényi High School Vocational School and Boarding School (Nyíregyháza) Mihály Csokonai Vitéz Grammar School (Debrecen)
Partner of the year – council Panyola town, Debrecen Plaza, DMJV Home and Daycare Centre of Disabled Children
Media Partner of the year – Mustár Fm; Inform Media Kft
Sponsor of the year –National Institute for Family, Youth and Population Policy; Korzó Shopping Centre (Nyíregyháza)
Special Snail Award – Imre Töviskes, Pegazus Guest House (Sárrétudvari ), Ádám Borsy, Henrietta Lós, Zsuzsanna Tündik
Snail Prize of 2013. went to:
Volunteers of the year – Orsi Stekler, Fanni Vinnai, Judit László, Zsófia Bátori, Barbara Hadobás
Student government supporting teacher of the year - Gábor Mikó (Kálmán Kandó Traffic Secondory Technical School, Grammar School (Záhony); Attila Muszta (Abigél Multipurpose School Debrecen)
School Partner of the year - Donát Bánki Traffic Engineering Secondary Technical School and Vocational School (Nyíregyháza) Saint Joseph Grammar School (Debrecen)
Partner of the year – Inspi-Ráció Association (Nyíregyháza), Temporary Home for Families (Debrecen) Youth Centre of Debrecen
Sponsor of the year – Pannonjob Kft
Special Snail Award – Gergő Szertics, Hajni Aurora Panaite
Snail Prize of 2014 went to:
Volunteer of the year -Federico Preziosi
Student Government Supporting teachers – Karolina Lakatos – Miklós Wesselényi High School, Vocational School and Boarding School (Nyíregyháza); Tünde Tokai Csányiné – Pál Beregszászi Secondory Technical School
Youth Community Service coordinator of the year – Anita Balázs, Noémi Rácz
School Partners of the year - Kálmán Kandó Traffic Secondory Technical School, Grammar School (Záhony); Anna Zay Medical, IT Secondory Technical School and Boarding School (Nyíregyháza); Ferenc Veres Secondary Technical School (Hajdúböszörmény)
Partner of the year – Kontaktpont (Nyíregyháza) Miért ne Association (Szolnok); Community Centre of Újkert (Debrecen)
Sponsor of the year – Mogyi, Decathlon (Debrecen)
Special Snail Award – Anita Demeter
Snail Prize of 2015 went to:
Volunteers of the year - Gábor Papp, Kámea Haraszti, Nándor Lukács, Rajmund Lukács
Student government supporting teacher of the year - Terézia Szabó, Gabriella Várszeginé Balog
Youth Community Service coordinator of the year - Júlia Olga Gilányiné
School Partner of the year - Sámuel Diószeghy Grammar- Technical and Vocational School (Debrecen); Ilona Zrínyi Grammar School and Boarding School (Nyíregyháza); János Damjanich Vocational Scool, Grammar School and Boarding School (Martfű); István Varró Technical-, Vocational School and Boarding School (Karcag)
Partner of the year - OKIDE; Special Education Institution of Hearing Impaired People; Tündérkert Eld People Home; Gusztáv Bárczy Primary School and Skill Developement; Self-Government of Nyíregyháza; County Self-Government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County; Europe Direct (Szolnok)
Sponsor of the year - Decathlon (Nyíregyháza)
Special Snail Award- Balogh Norbert, IFIX
Snail Prize of 2016 went to:
Volunteer of the year - Tóth Edina, Péter János, Kozma Tamás
Student Government Supporting teachers - Baracsy Zsolt, Zsidó Zoltánné, Kis-Pál Ilona, Vargáné Glatz Júlia,
Youth Community Service coordinator of the year - Sajtosné Magyar Emese, Tikász Katalin, Véghseő Ildikó,
School Teacher of the year - Bátori Anna
Partners of the year - Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County’s Municipality, Együtt az Állatokért Állatvédő Közhasznú Association, Gombkötő Judit, Állatbarát Association,
Sponsor of the year - MagNet Hungarian Community Bank Zrt
Special Snail Awards - Subert Szabolcs, Végh Virág, Dr Ulrich Attila, Szilágyi Gábor, Vágvölgyi Gusztáv Pablo, Inántsy Pap Sándor Hanyi, Fekete József
Snail Prize of 2017 went to:
Volunteer of the year - Rácz Viktória, Fórizs Anett, Szőr Máté Xavér, Farkas Viktor
Student Government Supporting teachers - Kemele Gabriella, Ladoniczki-Péringer Adrienn
Youth Community Service coordinator of the year - Rebenyák Erika
School Partner Of The Year - Szent József Primary School, Secondary School, Technical School and Dorm (Debrecen), NYSZC Sipkay Barna Trade, Catering, Vocational High School for Tourism, Technincal School and Dorm (Nyíregyháza), Terplán Zénó Ferences Szakképző Iskola és Gimnázium (Jászberény)
Partners of the year - Déryné Cultural, Turistical, Sport Centre and Library, OPERA Közhasznú Cultural Association, Pannonjob Kft., Burattino Puppet theatre, Erste Bank Hungary Zrt.
Sponsor of the year - PwC Magyarország Kft.
Special Snail Awards - Bálega János, Szabó Katalin, Kishonti Andrea, Gelencsér Ágota
Snail Prize of 2018 went to:
Volunteer of the year - Balogh Réka, Bokor Tünde, Gémes Erik, Herka Dominik, Kócs Máté, Kocsis Petronella Alíz
Partner Of The Year - TRANS-SPED Company group, Bathóné Bíró Anita, Gyetkó Imre
School Partner of the Year - Debreceni Ady Endre Secondary School, Szolnoki II. Rákóczi Ferenc Hungarian-German Bilingual Primary School
Student Supporter Teacher of the Year - Komádiné Kiss Erzsébet
Youth Community Service coordinator of the year – Tihanyiné Iklódi Piroska
Special Snail Awards - Juhász Emese, Szabó Attila, Nyilasné Kertész Júlia, Jenei Andrea
Parent Of The Year - Imru Ibolya
Snail Award winners of 2019:
Volunteer of the Year – Anett Fórizs, Máté Kócs, Péter Forrás
Special Snail Awards – Tibor Szepesi, Tímea Puskás, Anita Galó, László Hamvas, Zoltán Daróczi, Mária Szaffián Hamzáné, Balázs Piczil
Parent of the Year - Péterné Kocsis and Péter Kocsis
Partner of the Year - Municipality of Karcag City
Snail Award winners of 2020:
Volunteer of the year - Krisztián Kiss, Gergő Zoltán Ésik, Karolina Gudor, Orsolya Fenyvesi, Réka Krizsó, Imre Nagy, Benita Bella Veréb
Special Snail Award: - Andrea Horváth, Erzsébet Pintye
School partner of the Year - Debreceni Református Kollégium Dóczy Gimnáziuma
Partner of the Year - Sclerosis Multiplexes Betegek Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Egyesülete, Donation shop - Szolnok, Méliusz Juhász Péter Library - Debrecen, Indotek Group
Snail Award winners of 2021:
Volunteers of the Year - Krisztián Kiss, Joele Damonte, Erik Hőbe, Dóra Cserta, Réka Krizsó, Orsolya Fenyvesi, Bálint Szacsuri, Milán Erdős, Boglárka Fábián, Márk Szabolcs Kiss
Special Snail Awards – Rita Györfi, Zolt Dr.Bódis, Cecília László
Parent of the Year - Anna Berkes, Andrea Sárándi, Ágnes Cserepes
Supporter of the Yea - Snapsz Drink Store Szolnok
Partner of the Year – Dorkász Service Foundation Debrecen
Snail Award winners of 2022:
Volunteers of the Year - Czégény Adél Anna, Galambvári Gergely Tibor, Hargita Máté, Kelemen Lili Anna, Korláth Márk, Obsitos Csaba, Orosz Roland, Putyora Orsolya
Special Snail Awards – Berecz Gábor, Feketéné Pál Enikő, Gombkötő Judit, Klenovszky Dóra
Parent of the Year - Czégény Attila, Kelemen István, Nádas Hajnalka, Szabóné Szabó Éva
Student Supporter Teacher of the Year - Vargáné Glatz Julianna
Media partner of year - Dede Lilla (Karcagi Hírmondó)
Partner of the Year – KraftLab Debrecen, Miskolc Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata